Wednesday 19 March 2014

''Show Me My MP''

TV and Radio Coverage of Parliament  A Must 

The motion that was moved by Hon.Chamisa in Parliament on TV and Radio coverage of Parliament is an important motion that will help Zimbabweans to ditch “old politics” of voting for people on the basis of arrogance. MPs and Senators of late have been taking parliamentary business as a joke with many Ministers bunking the question and answer session. Parliament being a social construct that is created by people through the ballot has the right to be broadcasted so that the electorate can see and judge for themselves the type of people whom they elected to represent them.

Ministers who are the executive are not showing any degree of seriousness by not coming to parliament to answer questions in line with their ministries. With almost seven months since parliament was opened the number of written questions listed on the Order Paper has now grown to 80 a clear indication that the executive is not taking the parliament dictates seriously.

In democratic countries parliament is supposed create conditions for the emergence of antagonists who are prepared to cooperate. It should be a perfect forum in which to bring together representatives from all sectors of the community to bridge their differences, build relationships and develop a cohesive vision.  However this is not the case with our parliament which has proved beyond any reasonable doubt to be a place where MPs preach hate speech and make use of obscene language. Our current MPs fail to understand that conflict is ubiquitous,but its up to the conflicting parties to decide whether they have hostile confrontations or respectful and productive encounters that will move the nation foward. In a country that is facing serious political and socio-economic problems there is need for Mps to make quality debates that will move the nation forward and not to turn parliament into a forum where members exchange harsh words or a circus.

To curb such activities it is important that Parliamentary proceedings are broadcasted such that the electorate get to fully know what their MPs are doing. This will also make the electorate to vote basing their votes on knowledge and not ignorance. Zimbabwe is sick and tired of MPs who think that coming to parliament is Christmas vacation. We are tired of Ministers who do what they deem necessary and undermine the authority of the parliament. Parliament should be respected as it is the voice of the people. Broadcasting parliamentary events will separate the good from the bad and assist the voters to make informed decisions come 2018 elections.