Thursday 27 March 2014

A Letter I Value So Much

Hey Nyasha!

How is Masvingo? And more importantly, how are you? Isu we are ripe and ready to rot and iwe you are green and about to mature into something great. My wife and another couple went out a few weeks ago. I absolutely love water sports, but I cannot swim. I spend lots of time on the ocean, lakes and seas. We agreed to play some water sports (bad idea).

The ladies did some stuff on their own and we did Speed boat together. As the boys we did jet skiing as well.

My wife and I then went onto two separate tubes drawn by a speed boat. The adventure was so nice until the speed boat driver decided to make it into even greater adventure. He increased speed and our tubes started colliding. On the second collision, mine capsized right in the middle of the dam. I gulped a few sips of the dirty greenish water. I still had my hands on the tube except that I was no longer inside it, but under it.

I was wearing a life jacket and so all the good swimmers including my wife kept on saying, Brian let go of the tube. In my head, the tube is what was keeping from drowning – the difference between life and death. But in reality the tube is what was precipitating my drowning. The experts kept saying let go and just lay back the life jacket will keep you afloat. The power of fear is such that I refused to heed conventional wisdom.

On reflection, this event taught me something that I wish to share with you as a brother and friend. There are comfortable things in life that we all need to let go of in order to stay truly alive. They might appear like our security, but these things keep us from going to the next level. For some people it could be friends, for others habit of comfort and for others still a work ethic. What got you where you are now, will certainly not take you to the next level. As painful as it might be my brother, please let go of yesterday and now so that you may be able to grab a better future. Don’t drown in comfort or rather do not drown with comfort.

School is important, but innovation is better. School gives you credibility in a world run through certificates and innovation gives you a cutting edge and a competitive advantage in world where there are so many brilliant people and very few innovative ones. If you can see through to space using a telescope why on earth would you want to make the sky your limit? Make outer space your limit and you might just land on the moon!

Have a wonderful evening.


Brian Kagoro, (B.K)

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